Project Management - Work Package Resourcing - Software development
At OCS we are aware that as a project manager you may require additional resources to deliver work packages. You will have options with internal availability and/or preferred supplier offerings. At times these options may not provide you with an appropriate option and hence you may be seeking alternatives. Perhaps when an alternative is required OCS can help.
OCS is a specialist provider of project resources for the delivery of software based work packages. Our expertise comes from over 25 years of software engineering, which has left us with a rich knowledgebase to draw upon when we undertake work packages.
We are able to deliver software work packages in their entirety or provide a range of relevant technical resources to enable our customers to deliver the work packages. Examples of the sort of roles our consultants undertake:
- Team Manager - skilled software delivery managers, who understand and apply appropriate governance along with strong communications and commitment, balancing dynamic software engineering approaches such as Agile within project methodologies such as PRINCE2® and DSDM® Atern
- Technical Architects - leading technical practitioners in a number of software development languages as well as a number of legacy (niche) languages
- Business and Systems Analysts - able to work in a variety of environments and significantly have domain as well as system skills
- Data Architects - seasoned data management professionals with access to history as well as best practice in determining how data and information should most efficiently and effectively be managed within the work package
- Application Programmers - software engineers mature enough to ensure specifications are delivered and functionality is mapped to stated goals
- Data Analysts - ensuring that the detail that is so often necessary to get the data from where it is appropriate to where it needs to be is a non-trivial task. This skill set is a necessary supplementary resource for complex software applications or where data management is critical
- Quality Managers - able to ensure appropriate quality management strategy as required by the customer is implemented and the necessary quality assurance activities are performed
- Quality Analysts - able to undertake manual and automated quality activities, maintain quality registry and facilitate preparation for work package notification.
Consider OCS as your supplementary (alternative) resource provider:
- Accountability - we start all work packages by ensuring there is a mutually agreed work package, which should as a minimum include description of work to be carried out, any necessary or predetermined standards to be applied, interfaces that need to be maintained or modified, configuration management requirements, quality criteria, constraints, communication strategy including progress reports. This provides the basis upon which we may undertake delivery of a work package, whether this is as the team responsible or in providing specific resources to the team and ensuring our resources understand what is required, not just of their role, but of the team.
- Governance - we started life in 1984 as a projects methodology and lifecycle provider. This foundation whilst having evolved so that we are more software work package focused, has instilled a desire for and application of strong project governance within our work package services. Each consultant is expected to create and maintain an assignment definition report that forms the basis of regular progress update reports. Using the reports, we critique and support the consultant, whilst simultaneously providing our customers with the opportunity, should they seek to participate.
- Staff bias - our bias for staff is based on the premise that projects is our business as usual operations where as for many customers business as usual operations are quite distinctly different to projects. By using staff, whose careers and experiences are project based, we are able to provide you with increased quality assurance, more flexibility, highly competitive rates and potential for continuity of knowledge that can reduce risk, facilitate lessons learnt and maintaining schedules. When our staff finish a work package for a customer, they move on to the next work package, hence projects is our staff's business as usual activity.
- Benefit focused - Our product is not just a resource or even a work package, but rather ensuring for the areas we have the ability to contribute that we do provide feedback into our customer's project, beyond the immediate requirements, including participating in project assurance, if appropriate.
For further information please call Ty Sapsford on 020 8236 7777 or email